Everton Taveira Baldês Vieira


I am a Master’s student in the Mechanical Engineering Program at COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), which I started in 2023 and have currently paused while completing the Mechanical Equipment Engineering training program at Petrobras. I graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from UFRJ in 2022 and hold a dual degree from École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) in Paris, with a focus on Fluid Engineering and Rotating Machinery, achieved through the BRAFITEC program with a scholarship from CAPES. During my studies, I interned at ORANO, where I worked on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to optimize the geometry of density meters for radioactive fluids. I have also worked as a Research and Development Engineer at Michelin and as a Stress Analysis Engineer at Eletronuclear. Currently, I work as a Mechanical Equipment Engineer at Petrobras, with interests in CFD, turbomachinery, and rotating machinery.

academic info:

research interests:

  • computational fluid dynamics
  • finite element method
  • finite volume method
  • oil and gas
  • turbomachinery
  • rotating machinery
  • nuclear