Offer of Regular Courses

The following selection of undergrad and graduate couses are being offered regulary during the school year. Note that the graduate courses in Coppe are quartely offered, while the undergrad courses are half-yearly offered.

[COM-701] Computational Fluid Dynamics: Finite Element Method

M.Sc./D.Sc Level: This course brings advanced knowledge of fluid dynamics and heat transfer orieanted on numerical modeling of the 1-D and 2-D enginering problems using the Finite Element Method

image of fem_1 image of fem_2 image of fem_3

[COM-825] 2-Phase Flows

D.Sc Level: At the end of the trimester, the student should be able to identify two-phase flow patterns found in industry and nature, as well as understanding the dominant physical phenomena in the flow. Additionally, the student should be able to model numerically two-phase flow problems.

image of two-phase_1 image of two-phase_2 image of two-phase_3

[COM-774] Mathematical Methods for Mechanical Engineering

M.Sc./D.Sc Level: This course brings basic, but necessary knoledge of mathematical tools, thus the student should be able to.

image of mat_1 image of mat_2

[EEK-501] Heat Transfer 2

B.Sc. Level: This course brings advanced knowledge of heat transfer with focus on numerical modeling of the 1-D and 2-D heat equation and 1-D approach to compute size and thermal analysis on heat exchangers.

image of ht_1 image of ht_2 image of ht_3

[EEK-597] Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

B.Sc. Level: This course brings advanced knowledge of fluid dynamics and heat transfer orieanted on numerical modeling of the 1-D and 2-D enginering problems.

image of cfd_1 image of cfd_2 image of cfd_3