Daniel Barbedo Vasconcelos Santos
I have a strong interest in numerical simulations of both fluid and solid mechanics. During my master’s studies, I developed a mechanical contact formulation for solids using a B-spline surface as the contact interface within a finite element simulation framework. My doctoral research focused on single and two-phase flow simulations, employing the finite element method to model flow through complex geometries, using a decoupled mesh approach for accurate fluid interface representation. Currently, as a postdoctoral researcher, I am working on fluid-structure interaction, using numerical simulation to help design remotely powered intelligent materials.
- Post-Doctoral Researcher at Coppe/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- CV: click to access Lattes
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3279-7459
- e-mail: daniel.barbedo@coppe.ufrj.br
- research interests: computational fluid dynamics, two-phase flows, scientific computing, finite element method, interface dynamics, particle-laden simulations, fluid-structure interactions